The Wall Street Journal bestseller

The Strategy Legacy

Discover how to lead strategy and organizational identity faster than ever – and how to make your efforts stick!

The Strategy Legacy is perfect for leaders, practitioners, and entrepreneurs who want to shape the future of their businesses, without heavily relying on external consultants.

Alex Brueckmann demonstrates actionable solutions you can put into practice right away: a proven process for leading strategy design and implementation, based on his framework of The Nine Elements of Organizational Identity.

9EOI Certification exclusive

Creating the Strategy Legacy

This FIELD GUIDE gives you the suite of resources introduced in Alex’s Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Strategy Legacy. Alex shares his proven tools, templates, exercises, checklists, and questionnaires to help you design and implement a winning strategy and organizational identity.

The Field Guide is currently exclusively available as part of the 9EOI certification. 9EOI – the Nine Elements of Organizational Identity – is the model and 8-step process outlined in The Strategy Legacy

If you’d like to be notified once the Field Guide is publicly available, click here

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Secrets of Next Level Entrepreneurs Book cover

Available as Audiobook, Hardcover, and eBook

Secrets of Next Level Entrepreneurs

Every business leader wrestles with at least one of these three topics: creating a winning business strategy, leading teams successfully through challenging times and practising self-care. 

To master these topics, we share with you the best approaches for next-level entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. 

Discover 11 powerful lessons to thrive in business and lead a balanced life!

Strategy empowers. It allows us to consciously choose work that helps a business reach its vision, and to drop busy work. This essential characteristic is the reason why strategy is for everyone in an organization. Every individual needs to understand how they contribute to success and why their work matters. It sparks creativity, drives motivation, and links individual performance to organizational goals.

Alex Brueckmann

Wall Street Journal bestselling Author