Strat Leg FG 3d Update

The Field Guide to Creating Your Strategy Legacy!

This FIELD GUIDE gives you the full suite of resources introduced in Alex’s Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Strategy Legacy

Alex shares his proven tools, templates, worksheets, exercises, checklists, and questionnaires to help you design a winning business strategy that connects with culture and leadership, for effective and sustainable results.

The Field Guide is currently exclusively available for students joining the 9EOI Strategy Certification.

Book Description

This Field Guide gives you the resources from Alex’s Wall Street Journal bestseller, The Strategy Legacy. 

It contains templates, exercises, checklists, and real-life examples from more than 15 years of strategy and leadership work. 

The Strategy Legacy and this Field Guide are essential reads to future-proof your business and become a strategic leader.

Examples of what the FIELD GUIDE includes:

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