

How Fear and Complacency Stand in the Way of Your Strategy

How Fear and Complacency Stand in the Way of Your Strategy

By Alex Brueckmann

A friend recently told me how much he enjoyed riding the ancient tractor they use in his family’s forest: “There are so many moving parts, all running flat out all the time, and you have to be really careful shifting it up a gear so things line up perfectly, but you’re off to the races once it’s in gear!”. That’s what your business might feel like as well: while still producing the result you want, it might feel a bit rusty, slightly dated in how it functions, not quite what you need anymore.

How Fear and Complacency Stand in the Way of Your Strategy Read Post »


Let’s unbuzz the buzzword Strategy

Let’s unbuzz the buzzword “Strategy”
What Strategy is, and what it is not:
If you asked five of your colleagues what ‘strategy’ is, the odds are that you will receive six different answers. They might range from “a plan of how we create value” or “our priorities for the next few years” to “our approach to winning against our competitors” and “a framework against which we make decisions”. There is nothing wrong with these answers; and as a matter of fact, if you research business literature for a definition of the term strategy, I am pretty sure that you will find suggestions that match those ideas to a large degree. So, which definition is the most accurate? Who’s right?

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Purpose, Strategy

Why your business strategy needs purpose – and why you need a solid strategy in the first place

I first got in touch with strategy as a discipline in business school and found the subject incredibly boring. It was taught with little corporate context and had no visible connection to my own life. To me, at that point in time, strategy was all about theoretical frameworks without connection to the outside world. However, early in my post-university career this perception changed rapidly – and I realized how conscious leadership and strategy are intertwined, and how both are essential ingredients to business success.

Why your business strategy needs purpose – and why you need a solid strategy in the first place Read Post »

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