
Culture, Executive Leadership, Organizational Identity, Performance, Purpose, Values

All you Need is Love – Values that Work

I challenge you to play a game of buzzword bingo with me. Take out a pen and paper and write down the first ten positively attributed potential organizational values you can think of. I will do the same. Next, check out websites of organizations or brands you regularly interact with. Read their value statements. The […]

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Organizational Identity, Purpose, Strategy

Moving Beyond Purpose: Aligning Strategy and Impact for Meaningful Change

Purpose has become a popular buzzword in many organizations, with companies proudly proclaiming their commitment to noble causes. However, merely having a purpose is not enough to create real change. Purpose refers to an organization’s intent or reason for existing beyond profit. Impact is the effect an organization has on its stakeholders and the world.

Moving Beyond Purpose: Aligning Strategy and Impact for Meaningful Change Read Post »


Why not

No-one really cares about your purpose – Start with why NOT Your purpose is meaningless unless you do something with it. Your WHY is just a question unless you turn it into an answer — you put it into action, you put it to work. The danger of stopping at WHY is that you just

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Purpose, Strategy

Why your business strategy needs purpose – and why you need a solid strategy in the first place

I first got in touch with strategy as a discipline in business school and found the subject incredibly boring. It was taught with little corporate context and had no visible connection to my own life. To me, at that point in time, strategy was all about theoretical frameworks without connection to the outside world. However, early in my post-university career this perception changed rapidly – and I realized how conscious leadership and strategy are intertwined, and how both are essential ingredients to business success.

Why your business strategy needs purpose – and why you need a solid strategy in the first place Read Post »

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