
Storytelling, Strategy, Vision

Problem vs vision: what you should ground your strategy in

When it comes to designing strategy, I see two approaches collide. Vision-driven strategy versus problem-driven strategy. Vision-driven strategy starts with describing a desired status quo, at some point in the future, for example 3-5 years from now. Problem-driven strategy, on the other hand, aims to define and address the biggest immediate hurdle to overcome to […]

Problem vs vision: what you should ground your strategy in Read Post »

Executive Leadership, Storytelling, Strategy

Aligning Employees on Strategy – The Art of Strategic Dialogues

Why do strategies fail? Apart from making wrong choices, one topic stands out: failure to engage teams and help them understand a new strategy. Strategy communication is so crucial, yet few companies truly nail it.  Before you can link individual roles, responsibilities, and targets to the strategy, people need to understand what the strategy means

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Leadership, Storytelling, Strategy, Vision

Vision or no Vision – The Art of Storytelling in Strategy

When it comes to designing strategy, I often see two approaches collide. Vision-driven strategy versus problem-driven strategy. Vision-driven strategy starts with describing a desired status quo, at some point in the future, for example 3-5 years from now. Problem-driven strategy, on the other hand, aims to define and address the biggest immediate hurdle to overcome

Vision or no Vision – The Art of Storytelling in Strategy Read Post »

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