9EOI Facilitator Certification

Facilitate Strategy with Ease & Impact Using the Proven 9EOI Method (Nine Elements of Organizational Identity)

Become a trusted strategy facilitator. Get certified in the method that helped create billions of dollars in value for businesses from startups to global enterprises. 9EOI integrates 20 years of experience and best practice tools into one powerful framework.

Who is 9EOI Certification for?

9EOI Certification is designed for individuals who want to become trusted partners in strategy: confidently facilitate strategy meetings; hold eye-level strategy conversations with leaders; coach teams through strategy processes with ease and impact. 9EOI is for people with experience in leadership coaching, workshop facilitation, or strategy. Qualifying experience may also include experience as executive or senior leader, board director, consultant, corporate trainer, L&D professional, or similar.

Ideal for 

Facilitators, consultants, certified coaches; business leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, chiefs of staff, strategy directors & managers, PMO leads


Comprehensive 9EOI resource library: workshop specifications, questionnaires, assessments, slide decks, templates, etc.


3 half-day live sessions

Check dates below


Virtual cohort + virtual 1:1 session via zoom

Interactive training


US$ 1,490

What's in it for You and Why it Works

Alex Brueckmann is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of three books. In The Strategy Legacy and Creating the Strategy Legacy he details the why, what, and how of using the Nine Elements of Organizational Identity to facilitate impactful strategy. 

Over 20 years, Alex has honed the tools and methods that he combined into the powerful 9EOI model and the 8-step process.

9EOI certification equips you with the complete toolbox from Alex’s extensive work with businesses from startups to global corporations. 

This certification will help you to consistently facilitate strategy initiatives that deliver impact, results, and trustful relationships with your clients. Whether you are an internal facilitator, and an external partner.

Becoming a strategy partner at the highest level

What’s included

  • A digital copy of The Strategy Legacy outlining the 9EOI framework.
  • 9EOI exclusive: a digital copy of Alex’s Field Guide: Creating the Strategy Legacy. Includes the resources to create tangible outcomes: questionnaires, checklists, facilitation notes, assessments, and more. 
  • Access to the library of tools outlined in the Field Guide, in digital form.
  • Note: permission to use the 9EOI digital resources in your own work is included in this certification.

Main learning goals

  • Confidently position yourself as a trusted facilitator to create impactful strategy.
  • Guide leaders and teams through strategy with measurable outcomes.
  • Know how to facilitate conversations for clarity on execution priorities.
  • Understand the 9EOI model and its practical application through the 8-step process, creating tangible value.
  • Be able to apply 9EOI key resources: assessments, checklists, templates, and more, for successful strategy communication.

How to Get Certified

  • Secure Your Seat

    Secure your seat and complete the registration for your preferred start date. If you are unsure whether you meet the requirements to attend, send an email to alex@brueckmann.ca

  • Attend Certification Training

    Participants are required to attend all sessions in full. The training is interactive and provides ample opportunity to ask questions. We discuss real-world examples for full immersion.

  • Finish Self-paced Assignment

    Participants choose their individual practice assignment topics. The assignment is self-paced and becomes part of 9EOI certification.

  • Complete 1:1 review with Alex Brueckmann

    The final step toward certification is a 1-on-1 virtual meeting with Alex Brueckmann. You will discuss potential open questions and learning application.

  • Congrats! You’re a 9EOI Certified Professional

    As a 9EOI certified professional, you'll have full access to our resource library. You'll receive a certification badge and become part of the 9EOI certified professionals community.

Upcoming 9EOI Certification trainings

April/May cohort

Sold out – sorry!

June/July cohort

Sold out – sorry!

Final cohort in 2024: Sep, 3-5, 2024  |  8.30am-12.30pm (Pacific time)

$1,490 USD (only 2 seats left)

Dates for 2025 cohorts will be announced in October 2024

Sign up below to receive pre-notifications for new dates

Want to join a cohort at office hours in the APAC region? 

For example Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore etc.

If you are interested, email alex@brueckmann.ca

Sign up for pre-notifications about 9EOI certification dates

Join thousands who read Alex's newsletter. 'From the Strategy Room' delivers insights at the intersection of strategy, leadership, and more. New 9EOI cohorts are exclusively announced here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is 9EOI Certification for?

9EOI is a program for experienced professionals, facilitators, and coached who want to master the skill of facilitating strategy. This is not an entry level program.

You should have relevant education or experience in one of the following:

  • Executive coaching
  • Workshop facilitation
  • Business strategy
  • Executive / senior leader
  • Chief of Staff
  • Board Director
  • Consultant
  • Corporate trainer
  • Similar professional experience or education
What if I don’t meet the requirements?

If you are not yet eligible for 9EOI certification, please get in touch and we will provide you with specific resources and suggestions to help you meet the entry criteria. This is a complimentary service.

How long does 9EOI certification take?

The certification process takes approximately 5 weeks. This includes the virtual training session, completing your self-paced assessment, and the 1:1 review session with Alex Brueckmann.

Do you offer in-house certification for businesses?

Yes, we offer 9EOI certification as in-house program. For requests, please email alex@brueckmann.ca

What is required to attend the virtual training sessions?

Virtual certification training is delivered in English via Zoom. You will receive all details such as meeting links, material downloads, and other key information via the 9EOI online portal on Teachery.

For the virtual sessions:

  • Attend from a private space with proper internet connection (public wifi or attending from an airport lounge etc. are not appropriate)
  • Please use a headset to ensure proper sound. Also make sure your camera works. We want you to look and sound amazing.
  • Download the Zoom app and familiarize yourself with its basic functionalities. You don’t want to experience any tech issues during the program.